Southwest High School (Atlanta)

This Saturday, November 6, 2021, the class will gather once again to celebrate each other. We will be at the Marietta Country Club, 1400 Country Club Drive, Kennesaw GA. It's a beautiful venue with amazing cuisine and we can't wait to share time together. Photos from this Saturday's event will be posted on this website as soon as they can be gathered from all attending and combined to one posting. We will miss you if you can't join us.
December 15, 2020 - Just an update that thanks to your amazing donations, our website and storage have been secured until May, 2025.
Memories of our July 23, 2016 reunion are still with me. It was such a great gathering of great people. The comments were great and we learned that most everyone thought we didn't have enough time.
Give us your thoughts for the future and let's get a group together soon.
Website information
We have, thanks to your donations and a special three-year offer from the vendor, been able to extend our membership for the website to May 2020!!!
Just to recap, we had already paid the membership through May 2017. Two of our classmates sent checks (and you know who you are) specifically targeted to pay for one-year renewals each.......totaling two years or $300. With the vendor offering a three-year special for only $50 more, we now have added those three years.
Remember, you can always donate to our general reunion fund by using the "Donate" link and mail your donation to Nancy Barbee Ross, 504 East Gulley Avenue, Oakland FL 34787. If you need any information, use the "CONTACT US" link.
You may also use the credit card option available on the link.
How to maneuver on this website
- Become familiar with this Home Page and the options on the menus above and under Member Functions, on the left side, available for you to have all the information you need.
- What's New will keep you updated on any news we have to share. We will also share information on the Southwest HS Atlanta - Class of 1966 Facebook page.
- Join this site by clicking on the First Time Visitors link and following the instructions. You will add information and create your own password. You MUST join this site to be able to donate to the event and pay for the event. You will see that we may have some information on you but until you "join" the site, you will be considered missing. The security on this site is stellar, so please know your information goes no further than our classmates.
- Classmate Profiles will allow you to see the names of all of our classmates and some guests. Some that may have joined our class or left our class during our five years at SWHS will also be on the list. If you have any information on any of the Missing Classmates, please let us know by clicking on the CONTACT US link.
- Know that by including your email, you will never miss any communication about the event and other happenings associated with it.
Your 50th Reunion Committee, made totally of volunteers, began working on this event in June of 2015. A small group met to discuss our hopes and dreams for getting together this year. That group was Robert Belloir, John Burger, Trudy Howard Wray and Nancy Barbee Ross. Additionally Randy Bostwick and David Sitton contributed their thoughts before that meeting.
Since that time, our committee has grown and everyone has either started working on their piece or will be working on a piece until our July 23, 2016 event. Those additional classmates who have volunteered are:Fran(ces) Cleland (Sweet); Jeannie Dickinson (Ellington); Barbara Eaves (Hubbard); Roddy Royal; Rick Gower; Tony Bryson; Patti Abbey (Hughes) and Bonnie Bubb (Brandi Boyle).
NOTE: This website has been booked and funded for a one-year period beginning May 25, 2016. Donations may be used to continue to maintain this website until the committee and class decides to end this membership.